12 Page Speed Best Practices to Follow for SEO


When you talk about your page’s speed, you’re referring to how quickly the content on it loads. There’s no arguing that faster loading media is better. Having quick page speeds and using the best SEO services are essential for two reasons. The first reason is that it directly influences your search engine rankings. Another important reason for having a fast page load time is that people’s attention spans are getting shorter and shorter.

A wide range of factors influences your website’s load time. We’ve compiled a list of the best SEO services’ standard practices for speeding up and improving user experience.

  1. Cut down on the number of HTTP requests
    You need to know how many requests your site generates to reduce them. You can monitor how many HTTP requests your site generates if you’re using Google Chrome’s Developer Tools. Look over your files and check if any unneeded ones may be removed to speed up your site.
  2. Minimize and assemble files
    Formatting, whitespace, and code that aren’t essential are removed during the minification process. File combining is precisely as it sounds. CSS and JavaScript files can be merged if your site runs numerous instances of each.
  3. CSS and JavaScript files should be loaded asynchronously
    There are two ways to load scripts like CSS and JavaScript: synchronously or asynchronously. Your sites will load faster by loading files asynchronously since browsers load pages from top to bottom.
  4. Defer loading of JavaScript
    When a file is deferred, it will not be loaded until after all other components have been loaded. Your site’s other content will load more quickly since heavy files like JavaScript are deferred.
  5. Reduce server response time
    In terms of page loading speed, the time it takes for your DNS query is a significant influence. It takes more time for browsers to find your site if you have sluggish DNS. The procedure can be sped up by utilizing a more rapid DNS provider.
  6. Choose the right hosting option for your needs
    New website owners usually select the cheapest hosting plan. While this may enough in the beginning, you’ll certainly need to upgrade once you begin to receive a lot of traffic.
  7. Run a compression audit
    It’s not uncommon for pages with many photographs and other material to exceed 100KB in size. These files tend to be large and take a long time to download. Compressing downloads can make them go faster.
  8. Activate compression
    The faster your pages load, the smaller your files should be. It’s now considered normal practice to enable compression with Gzip when attempting to minimize page load times.
  9. Allow browser caching
    A cache, also known as temporary storage, is created on your computer when you visit a website. Your browser will load the page without sending another HTTP call to the server when you revisit the site.
  10. Prioritize lazy loading
    Even if the remainder of the website loads slowly, you may enhance the user experience by speeding up the top part. Lazy loading is useful for sites with plenty of material below the fold.
  11. Remove unnecessary plugins
    It’s possible that installing too many plugins can cause problems. They can slow down your website, cause security concerns, and even cause crashes and other technical challenges.
  12. Restrict the number of redirects
    When pages are moved or deleted, redirects are typically required, and they are the easiest solution to avoid broken links. However, having an excessive number of them might result in slower loading times, especially on mobile devices.

Check your site’s speed test results and then hunt for the best SEO services to improve them. Contact to our team, we are ready to help you!